A Heavy Equipment Of Your Business

Managed By Expert Strategists


Jib cranes are the most cost-effective purchase for capacities up to 5 tons and 20 00ft. spans arm . Reduced gantry loads combined with very low thickpillar / wall mounted with hoists provide outstanding value. Jib Cranes are designed for shifting, loading, or unloading purposes whereas it is the most economical solution for simple handling operations in every direction of Shed.

Jib cranes provide greater floor coverage than other type of cranes.  This can reduce your space requirements in new buildings, or expand your usable space in existing buildings.



  • Without any gantry structure needed Jib Crane can install easily .
  • With pillar on floor or without pillar on wall jib cranes can install for various purpose .
  • Top quality hoists matched to the duty required.
  • Custom engineered to your application.
  • Electric hoist conforms to IS : 807 & 3177 & 3938
  • Safety, easy operation, reduced maintenance and long life.
  • Modular system design
  • Smooth and reliable handling with rotation 
  • Smooth manual travel
  • Cost-effective implementation
JIB Crane

Quick Contact

RH Engineers

#163 , Daba Lohara Road , Maha Singh Nagar , Ludhiana -141006 

Mobile No: +91-9115817068

Email:                      rhengineers2019@gmail.com